Next Monday is the traditional “The Men Tell All” episode of The Bachelorette, which precedes the show's two-hour season finale the following week.
Two guys who won't be telling anything? Wes Hayden and Reid Rosenthal.
That's right. Despite being the most talked-about, hated man in Bachelorette history, Wes will not be on "The Men Tell All." This is almost certainly because he has been shafted somewhat by ABC and has since thrown the show under the bus.
Wes is pissed at the show for making him look like an d!ck and especially for outing Laurel Kagay. His omission therefore makes sense. Reid's? Not so much.
Last week, Ed Swiderski and Kiptyn Locke received roses from Jillian Harris while poor Reid was sent home. In every other season, the person eliminated in third place takes part in the "Men Tell All" episode. Reid, however, did not.
Why? Because according to the Bachelorette spoilers we posted yesterday, and what we've heard since, Reid Rosenthal plays a role in the finale.
With no Reid Rosenthal or Wes Hayden interviews, "The Men Tell All" special might as well be renamed "The Dudes No One Cares About Tell All and Kill Time."Much like Ed’s departure earlier in the season, it seems they’re setting up a return for Reid, who left saying “I should’ve told her that I loved her" and then “If I could reverse things, I would.” His "Men Tell All" no-show fits this perfectly.
There's also the "unexpected confession" Jillian Harris grapples with in the finale.
What this is, no one knows for sure, but odds are very good that it involves Reid, and like last season of The Bachelor, we won't be seeing a "normal" finale.
Knowing how huge The Bachelor's "After the Final Rose" special was in March - though Jason Mesnick dumping Melissa Rycroft for Molly Malaney will be a tough one to top - we will likely get a cliffhanger leading into that show on Tuesday.
It's still unclear what will happen. Reid Rosenthal could come back and process his love to Jillian, and maybe even propose. Ed Swiderski does propose, from what we've heard, but there is the Chicago girlfriend question lingering.
Kiptyn Locke is also lingering in case one or the other falters. What is going to happen?