After taking into consideration his last three decades as a fugitive, Switerland's top criminal court rejected Roman Polanski's plea to be released from prison.
"The appellant has already once in 1978 eluded American criminal proceedings by traveling to Europe," read the 17-page Court verdict, adding that the director's extradition to the States could result in trauma to his family and cost investors in his current film projects millions. "As a result, the motivation to flee is high."
Polanski is expected to appeal the decision within the next 10 days. According to his lawyers, this decision to keep him incarcerated could have damaging consequences for his film The Ghost, thus leaving his family bankrupt.
The famed director was accused of luring an underage girl with champagne and a Quaalude sedative during a modeling shoot in 1977 and raping her. For a man who was initially indicted on six felony counts, including rape by use of drugs, child molesting and sodomy, the least he can do is sit still for a while!